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Public Results Page Overview
Updated over a week ago

The Public Results Page is provided by the Tournament Director. Navigate to the Public Results Page to:

  • Sign Up for Notifications

  • Get the Mobile App

  • View Complexes

  • Review Schedules and Results

Sign Up for Schedule and Results Notifications

  1. Click Notifications.

  2. Select the desired team.

  3. Select the type of notification.

  4. Enter the mobile number, carrier, and email.

  5. Click Sign Me Up.

Get the Mobile Web App

  1. Click Web App.

  2. Enter the mobile number and carrier.

  3. Click Send Link.

  4. A text message is sent with the link to install the app.

  5. Click the link and install the app to view the schedule, results, and brackets.

View Complexes

  1. Click Complexes.

  2. To view directions, click the desired complex.

    1. A new tab opens with the directions.

Review Schedules and Results

  1. Click the desired division.

  2. The schedule and bracket displays.

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