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How to Add Rosters
Updated over 2 months ago

Rosters can be manually added to teams, or coaches may enter their rosters via a roster request link. A roster with only the athlete's name, birthdate, jersey number, and email can also be collected during registration.

Add Rosters Manually

  1. Access the Tournament.

  2. Click Divisions.

  3. Under Bulk Add/Edit, click Athletes.

  4. Fill out the form as needed.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Send Roster Requests to Coaches

A coach contact is required to be able to send roster requests. Learn to add team contacts here.

  1. Access the Tournament.

  2. Click Divisions.

  3. Click the appropriate division.

  4. Click Teams > the team name.

  5. Scroll down and click Show Contacts.

  6. Enter the contact information and click Save once complete.

  7. Click Show Roster.

  8. Click Send Roster Enter/Review Email to Coach.

  9. If desired, modify the text, but do not remove/change the link.

  10. When finished composing the email to the coaches, click Send.

Send a Roster Request Email to All Teams

NOTE: Set which fields are displayed and required for rosters from General Info > Advanced Settings > Roster Settings.

  1. Access the Tournament.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. Under Tournament & Teams, click Send Roster Review Email All Teams.

  4. Select the recipients.

  5. Add any desired messages.

    • Do not alter text appearing in brackets; these fields automatically populate with system information specific to each recipient.

  6. Once complete, click Send.

Send a Roster Request Email to a Single Team

  1. Access the Tournament.

  2. Click Divisions and select the needed division.

  3. Click Teams and select the needed team.

  4. Scroll down and click Show Roster.

  5. Click Send Roster.

  6. In the Send To text box, enter the email address.

  7. Modify the text as needed, but do not edit the link.

  8. Once complete, click Send.

View Rosters

  1. Access the Tournament.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. Under Tournament & Teams, click Team Rosters (Print) or Team Rosters (Spreadsheet) to view/print or download the roster report.

    • Click Team Roster Count Report to view roster counts.

Lock Rosters

Rosters automatically lock by default on the end date of the tournament. Roster links remain accessible by coaches, but they cannot make changes once the roster has been locked.

  1. Access the Tournament.

  2. Click General Info.

  3. Scroll down to click Show Advanced Settings.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and add or edit the Lock Roster Date.

  5. Click Save.

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